
Professor Munther Hussain Alkadhimi from King’s College London will visit KUST

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Professor Munther Hussain Alkadhimi from King’s College London will visit KUST as a visiting professor giving lectures between 5-6th October, 2022.

Professor Alkadhimi finished his MSc and Ph.D. degrees at King’s College London in Clinical Immunology. He has been working at King’s College London for more than 20 years. He is a visiting professor of Immunology and a consultant in implementing Standards in hospitals. He has been working at KCL and has also been involved in the supervision of many MSc and Ph.D.’s students in the UK and Iraq. He has published more than 50 scientific papers in his field.

His lectures will include the following:

  1. How to become a Noval Carrier (everyone).
  2. Standardization after graduation: An imminent need (for students in biomedical faculty).
  3. Standardization of ISO for MLS students after graduation.
  4. An overview of King’s College programs (for staff only including academic and admin).
  5. Research and writing manuscripts in Iraq: is there any progress (Staff and students of last year).

Start Time

9:00 am

October 5, 2022

Finish Time

4:00 pm

October 6, 2022

Event Participants
