Roz Jamal Omer
Passionate ESL instructor. Skilled in teaching English as a foreign/second language, translation,
creative writing, and academic writing. Strong educational background with a Bachelor’s degree
focused in English Language and Literature from Komar University of Science and Technology.
Graduated as the top student of the English department in 2020.
The first and the youngest interviewer of the world’s top five linguists: Prof. Noam Chomsky,
Prof. Stephen Krashen, Prof. David Crystal, Prof. Steven Pinker, and Prof. Andrew Carnie in an
event “The Giant Minds of Linguistics” that has taken place in December, 2019.
Studying M.A. in English literature at the University of Sulaimani. Researcher in the field of
literature and has published two papers titled “Disney Classics between Feminism and
Victimization of Women: A Historical Analysis “and “Ezra Pound’s Poetry between
Victorianism and Modernism: A Historical – Biographical Analysis”. Recently working on
gender studies in English literature.
Translated a book titled Beethoven: Man, Composer, and Revolutionary”.
Loves reading and buying books. Loves creative writing, movies, and music.