University graduates are facing a lot of challenges while they attempt for the employment after graduation. Perhaps, lack of Technical and Soft Skills are one of the main reasons behind such issue. International trends in education is to prepare the students with such skills in order to equip them for future challenges. Therefore, POPBL as an effective tools is applied and it is a Systematic Teaching Method that engages students in learning knowledge and skills through an extended inquiry process structured around complex, authentic questions and carefully designed tasks over a period of time, resulting in a product, presentation. Typically has timeline and milestone, and other aspects of formative evaluation as the project proceeds.
Short Bio of the presenter:
Mr. Twana A. Tahir is a master holder in Environmental Management from University of Malaya in Malaysia. He has been working as an instructor from Environmental Engineering Department/Komar University since Fall 2012. For the last Three years, he has worked in Quality Assurance office and he is familiar with International Accreditation requirements and its applications. Since Fall 2015, He is working as a Director of Quality Assurance Office at Komar University.