
A seminar on Basic Surgical Techniques for Dental Implants Placement

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Implant is an artificial titanium Dental fixture that is placed surgically into the jawbone to substitute for a missing tooth and its root (s).
In 1952, Professor Per-Ingvar Branemark, a Swedish surgeon, while conducting research into the healing patterns of bone tissue, accidentally discovered that
when pure titanium comes into direct contact with the living bone tissue, the two literally grow together to form a permanent biological adhesion. He named this
phenomenon " osseointegration” which, histologically defined as “direct connection between living bone and load-bearing endosseous implants at
the light microscopic level.”
Four factors that influence are Biocompatible material, Implant adapted to a prepared site, Atraumatic surgery, and Undisturbed healing phase.
After the accidental discovery of Dr.Branemark dental implants has been improving driven by mutual needs of patients and operators, it has been used at the spring of implant invention for function only, and then for function, then they need to be functional, esthetical and to get it as soon as possible to have good lifestyles. Over the years, there have been many developments in the field of implant dentistry, spearheaded by implant companies.
Examples: include implant surfaces that integrate faster, innovative designs that make it easier to achieve high stability and the opment of artificial bone material. All these challenging obstacles were shoveled away on the hands of many generations of dental practitioners and researchers, who are always in continuous companions with
each other and with new implants with new characters, and now and better appearance and longevity, and nowadays we have more than 400 different companies
producing different dental implant systems. I hope we will reach amazing results with stem cells and mesenchymal cells for more advances in the field of this vital branch of
dental treatment.

Title of Seminar: Basic Surgical Techniques for Dental Implants Placement
Speaker: Dr. Alan Amin (Senior Oral Surgeon from University of Melbourne)
Venue: Auditorium (E-Building)
Date: Sunday 8/12/2019
Time: 11:00

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Start Time

11:00 am

December 8, 2019

Finish Time

12:00 pm

December 8, 2019

Event Participants
