
A Seminar on What are Philosophy and Science?

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On the one hand, humans have advanced philosophy and science from lower to higher or from less advanced to more advanced, for millennia. On the other hand, they have broadened the horizon of our thought and occasioned progress in the past and present. This panel will endeavour to introduce both realms of thought and discovery for better apprehension of their contribution in life. Hence, the panel will answer what philosophy and science were and are, how they have been improved and have improved us and how do they differ as paradigms of thought and discovery.

Title of Seminar: What are Philosophy and Science
1) Mr Karzan Aziz,
2) Mr Zhenar Barzan
Venue: Auditorium (E-Building)
Date: Tuesday 19/11/2019
Time: 13:00

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Start Time

1:00 pm

November 19, 2019

Finish Time

2:30 pm

November 19, 2019


Komar University of Science and Technology Campus- Auditorium

Event Participants
