
A Seminar on Western Culture: Postmodernism

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In the second half of the twentieth century, Jacques Derrida launched an attack on the western intellectuality since Plato. He claimed that the western culture had been a continuous search for centers that give meaning and purpose to life. Against this idea, he tried to prove that such a search is futile because centers are not fixed and meaning is always in a state of free play. This new world view posited by Derrida is known as poststructuralism that brings about a new age, namely, postmodernism.
Date: Sunday, Nov. 4th, 2018
Time: 10:00 am,
Location: Auditorioum, Komar University Campus, Qularaisi, Sulaimani

Start Time

10:00 am

November 4, 2018

Finish Time

1:00 pm

November 4, 2018

Event Participants
