Dr. Salahalddin Saeed Ali
President of Komar University of Science and Technology
Office No: 263
Mobile: +964(0)770 1555889
Email: salah.saeed@komar.edu.iq
Be a model and leader for a quality higher education in the Region
The President Message: 2017-2018
Dr. Salahalddin Saeed
President’s short Bio
He, Professor Salahalddin Saeed Ali, took up the post of President at the Komar University of Science and Technology University since November 2017. Before that He was the President of Sulaimani University for more than four years from April 2012 to November 2016.
- BSc in Geology – Salahaddin University,Erbil-Iraq, 1982.
- MSc in Engineering Geology/Rock Mechanic – Mosul University, Mosul-Iraq, 1987.
- PhD In Hydrogeology-Belgrade University, Belgrade-Serbia,2007
- President of Sulaimai University from April 2012 to November 2016
- Dean for Faculty of Science and Education.
- Vice Dean for the College of Science. 1994 – 2005
- Head of Scientific Committee. 2008-2010
- Member of University Council (Sulaimani). 2003-2004
Conference and Workshops:
- 2 nd scientific conference university of Salahaddin-1992.
- 1 st scientific conference university of Sulaimani-2000.
- 1st Scientific conference of Ministry of Higher Education in Kurdistan,2000
- 1 st scientific conference –Mosul dam research center –univ. of Mosul-1987.
- AUA conference (Association of University Administrator) , University of Keel –UK -2004
- International conference and field seminars on water resources and environmental problems in Karst, Belgrade & Kotor/ Serbia and Montenegro- 2005.
- Workshop on Geology and geology of Iraq- Czech Republic 2006.
- Annual Serbian Geological Society conference –Belgrade-2006
- 4 th conference on hydrogeology, ecology, monitoring and management of groundwater in karst terrains, Florida, USA, Feb.27-28, 2007.
- 33rd IGC (international Geological Congress), Oslo, August- 2008.
- 3rd scientific conference of the College of Science, University of Baghdad. 24 to 26 March 2009
- 4th International symposium on Karst- Malaga – Spain-April-2010.
- KGS workshop – Water Management in Kurdistan –Sulaimani – 2008.
- Hydrogeology and join Master Course program in Bergakademia-Frieberg University – Germany, 2009.
- Workshop on GIS application in Hydrogeological studies, Belgrade 2009.
- Workshop on Integrated water resources Management, Erbil (Ministry of Higher education and Ministry of Water Resources KRG), 2008.
- Workshop on Integrated water resources management with Grant Thorton- USA & governorate of Sulaimani- 2009.
- Workshop on “Environmental Sustainability: Ground Water Dependent Ecosystems” from 19-23 September 2010- Aqaba, Jordan, UNISCO
Areas of Interests: Higher Education for Development of Society and quality performance.
Dr.Kawis Aziz Faraj
Vice president of komar University of Science and Technology
Office No. : 206
Mobile; +964- 0771 7529694
E-mail : kawis.faraj@komar.edu.iq
Acquiring knowledge by instruction or study is learning, which, of course, is the purpose of education.
Short bio :
Kawis Aziz Faraj Ph.D. in Bioscience and Biotechnology – University of Strathclyde- Glasgow- Scotland. Currently Vice President for Academic Affairs in Komar University of Science and Technology.I collaborate with numerous research teams in Austria, Switzerlands, Sweden and Germany. personally presented many topics at National and International Scientific Congresses, Symposia and Seminars in Europe. My area of interest is modern tissue engineering Tailor-made “smart” Biomatrices, Oriented and gradient dual layer scaffolds, fabrication of electrospun hybrid scaffolds from natural and synthetic polymer, knitted synthetic polymer.
Degree :
Ph.D. in Bioscience , (October 1985)
Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology,
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow,
United Kingdom.
M.Sc in Carbohydrate Chemistry, (1978)
University of Sulaimany, Iraq
B.Sc. in Food Science, (1976) Department of Food Science, University of Sulaimany, Iraq
Member of the Biomaterial and Tissue engineering society in Netherlands.
Member of begeleiding committiee of IOP.
Member of the editorial board of the Scientific Journal of the College of Education, University of Salahaddin, Iraq.
Member of European Council of Eurostec Project
Member of the Biomaterial and Tissue engineering society in Netherlands.
Member of begeleiding committiee of IOP.
Member of the editorial board of the Scientific Journal of the College of Education, University of Salahaddin, Iraq.

Tasks and Responsibilities
UC Tasks and Responsibilities
The responsibilities of the UC, as stated in the Bylaws of the University, are as follows:
- To determine the standards of admission to the University based on the Ministry of Higher Education (MHE) rules and regulations.
- To advise on the plans and procedures of students admission to the University and continued registration therein.
- To determine the curricula of all programs and courses of study and submit it to the Ministry of Higher Education (MHE).
- To advise on the tuition fees plans of students admission to the University and submit it to the Board of Trustee.
- To recommend the Vice President/Acting President, and Academic Colleges Deans.
- To recommend the deputy deans and the departmental chairs as may be required from time to time.
- To make recommendations to the Board of Trustee with respect to the extension of deans and departmental chairs period of service.
- To determine the standards of degrees, diplomas and certificates of the University conferment and endorsed it by the Ministry of Higher Education (MHE).
- To make recommendations on faculty members promotions according to the criteria; 10.To make recommendations to the Board of Trustee with respect to the establishment, change or termination of programs and courses of study, schools, faculties, divisions and departments.
- To prepare the university annual budgetary and financial standards.
- To advise the President of the University on the staffing needs of the academic colleges and departments.
- To recommend on hiring new faculty members (Iraqis and foreigners) based on the university rules and regulations.
- To make recommendations on hiring new faculty and staff members and specify their salaries, awards, accepting their resignation and terminate their services.
To set mechanisms on agreements and scientific linkages with other colleges, universities and other scientific organizations that concerns with the scientific research inside and outside the region.
To suspend the study partially or fully if there is a necessity for a period of one week with notifying the ministry in advance with giving the reasons and justifications.
- To propose mechanism to apply the quality assurance, safety and health, and continuous academic development.
Members during 2024-2025
- Dr. Salahalddin Saeed Ali (President)
- Dr. Kawis Aziz Faraj (Vice-President)
- Dr.Shanaz Mohammed Ghafour(Dentistry)
- Trefa Mohammed Abdullah (Pharmacy)
- Dr. Ako Rashed Hama (CVE)
- Dr. Hiwa H.Amin Sidiq (PTE)
- Dr. Susan Mohammad Al Naqshbandi (CPE)
- Dr. Mustafa Hassan Mohammad Adam(BA)
- Dr. Pakzad Fadhil Hama (ACC)
- Dr. Dlzar Dlshad Ghafoor (MLS)
- Dr. Osman Sharif Osman(CPS)
- Dr. Saad Mohammed Alshibli (NUR)
- Dr. Noel Vinay Thomas (BMS)
- Dr. Zryan Jaza Hama Salih (DT)
- Dr. Muayad Enwiya Jajo (EGH)
- Mr. Aree Ali (Faculty Representative)
Members during 2023-2024
- Dr. Salahalddin Saeed Ali (President)
- Dr. Kawis Aziz Faraj (Vice-President)
- Dr.Shanaz Mohammed Ghafour(Dentistry)
- Trefa Mohammed Abdullah (Pharmacy)
- Dr. Ako Rashed Hama (CVE)
- Dr. Hiwa H.Amin Sidiq (PTE)
- Dr. Fryad Khalid (CPE)
- Dr. Mustafa Hassan Mohammad Adam(BA)
- Dr. Pakzad Fadhil Hama (ACC)
- Dr. Dlzar Dlshad Ghafoor (MLS)
- Dr. Osman Sharif Osman(CPS)
- Dr. Saad Mohammed Alshibli (NUR)
- Dr. Noel Vinay Thomas (BMS)
- Dr. Zryan Jaza Hama Salih (DT)
- Dr. Muayad Enwiya Jajo (EGH)
- Mr. Aree Ali (Faculty Representative)
Members during 2022-2023
- Salahalddin Saeed Ali (President)
- Kawis Aziz Faraj(Vice-President)
- Shanaz Mohammed(Dentistry)
- Tarza Jamal(Pharmacy)
- Ako Rashed(CVE)
- Hiwa Sidiq(PTE)
- Fryad Khalid(CPE)
- Mustafa Hassan(BA)
- Dlawar Mahdi(ACC)
- Dlzar Dlshad(MLS)
- Osman Sharif(CPS)
- Saad Alshibli(NUR)
- Noel Thomas(BMS)
- Dr. Zryan Jaza Hama Salih (DT)
- Dr. Muayad Enwiya Jajo (EGH)
- Aree Ali (Faculty Representative)
Members during 2021-2022
- Dr. Salahalddin Saeed Ali (President)
- Dr. Kawis Aziz Faraj (Vice-President)
- Dr. Tarza Jamal (Pharmacy)
- Dr. Ako Rashed (CVE)
- Dr. Hiwa Sidiq (PTE)
- Dr. Fryad Khalid (CPE)
- Dr. Mustafa Hassan (BA)
- Dr. Dlawar Mahdi (ACC)
- Dr. Dlzar Dlshad (MLS)
- Dr. Osman Sharif (CPS)
- Dr. Saad Alshibli (NUR)
- Dr. Noel Thomas (BMS)
- Dr. Zryan Jaza Hama Salih (DT)
- Dr. Muayad Enwiya Jajo(EGH)
- Mr. Aree Ali (Faculty Representative)
Members during 2020-2021
- Dr. Salahalddin Saeed Ali (President)
- Dr. Kawis Aziz Faraj (Vice-President & NUR)
- Dr. Tarza Jamal (Pharmacy)
- Dr. Ako Rashed (CVE)
- Dr. Hiwa Sidiq (PTE)
- Dr. Fryad Khalid (CPE)
- Dr. Mustafa Hassan (BA & ACC )
- Dr. Dlzar Dlshad (MLS)
- Dr. Osman Sharif (CPS)
- Dr. Zanyar Faiq (EGH)
- Mr. Aree Ali (Faculty Representative)
Members during 2019-2020
- Dr. Salahalddin Saeed Ali (President)
- Dr. Kawis Aziz Faraj (Vice-President)
- Dr.Asos Mohammed (Pharmacy)
- Dr. Ako Rashed (CVE)
- Dr. Hiwa Sidiq (PTE)
- Dr. Fryad Khalid (CPE)
- Dr. Mustafa Hassan (BA )
- Dr. Dlzar Dlshad (MLS)
- Dr. Osman Sharif (CPS)
- Dr. Zanyar Faiq (EGH)
- Dr. Dhiaa Shamki (ACC)
- Mr. Aree Ali (Faculty Representative)
Members during 2018-2019
- Dr. Salahalddin Saeed Ali (President)
- Dr.Asos Mohammed (Pharmacy)
- Dr. Ako Rashed (CVE)
- Dr. Hiwa Sidiq (PTE)
- Dr. Dlzar Dlshad (MLS)
- Dr. Osman Sharif (CPE and CPS)
- Dr. Dhiaa Shamki (ACC)
- Dr. Zanyar Faiq (EGH)
- Dr. Mamta Singh (BA)
- Mr. Aree Ali (Faculty Representative)
Members during 2017-2018
- Dr. Salahalddin Saeed Ali (President)
- Dr. Kawa Mohammed (Acting VP for Admin and Finance)
- Dr. Ako Rashed (CVE)
- Dr. Hiwa Sidiq (PTE)
- Dr. Dlzar Dlshad (MLS)
- Mr. Hemin Ibrahim (CPE)
- Dr. Mustafa Hassan (ACC)
- Dr. Muayad Enwiya Jajo (EGH)
- Dr. Mamta Singh (BA)
- Miss. Kizhan Salar (Faculty Rep.)
Members during 2016-2017
- Dr. Salah Aziz (President)
- Dr. Jalal Saeed (Acting VP for Academic Affairs)
- Dr. Kawa Mohammed (Acting VP for Admin and Finance)
- Dr. Ala Noori (Acting VP for Student Affairs)
- Dr. Ako Rashed (CVE)
- Dr. Hamid Zadah (PTE)
- Dr. Heshu Sulaiman (MLS)
- Mr. Hemin Ibrahim (CPE)
- Dr. Mustafa Hassan (ACC)
- Dr. Muayad Jajo (EGH)
- Dr. Nyaz Najmadin (BA)
- Mr. Sardasht Sardar (Faculty Rep.)
Members during 2015-2016
- Dr. Salah Aziz (President)
- Dr. Ala Noori (Acting VP for Student Affairs)
- Dr. Belal Muhamad (MLS)
- Dr. Adnan Hadi (CPE)
- Dr. Alan Mumtaz (BA)
- Dr. Mustafa Hassan (ACC)
- Dr. Hamid Zadeh (PTE)
- Dr. Ibrahim Abdulrazaq (CVE)
- Mr. Sardasht Sardar (Faculty Rep.)
- Mr. Mardeen Omer (Students Rep.)
Members during 2014-2015
- Dr. Salah Aziz (President)
- Dr. Belal Muhamad (MLS)
- Dr. Hutheifa Shakr (CPE)
- Dr. Alan Mumtaz (BA)
- Dr. Mustafa Hassan (ACC)
- Dr. Hamid Zadeh (PTE)
- Dr. Ibrahim Abdulrazaq (CVE)
- Mr. Twana Abdulrazaq (Faculty Rep.)
- Mr. Mardeen Omer (Students Rep.)
- Mr. Geoffrey McLeod ( CIEP, Non-Voting)
Members during 2013-2014
- Dr. Salah Aziz
- Dr. Salim Abdali
- Dr. Dler Pasha
- Dr. Sheila Simpkins
- Dr. Ala Nuri
- Mr. Abdulla Belhadia
- Mr. Georgios Palaiologos
- Ahmed Hama Younis
Meetings' Dates
UC Meeting for 2019-2020 Academic Year
- UCF19N01 September 30, 2019
UC Meeting for 2018-2019 Academic Year
- UCF18N1 September 6, 2018
- UCF18N2 October 11, 2018
- UCF18N3 January 10, 2019
- UCF18N4 February 27, 2019
UC Meeting for 2017-2018 Academic Year
- UCF17N1 September 10th, 2017
- UCF17N2 September 20th, 2017
- UCF17N3 September 24th, 2017 (Irregular)
- UCF17N4 October 4th, 2017
- UCF17N5 October 9th, 2017 (Irregular)
- UCF17N6 October 29th, 2017
- UCF17N7 November 9, 2017
- UCF17N8 November 20, 2017
- UCF17N9 December 20, 2017
- UCF17N10 January 21, 2018
- UCF17N11 February 1, 2018
- UCF17N12 February 11, 2018
- UCF17N13 March 11, 2018
- UCF17N14 April 5, 2018
- UCF17N15 April 8, 2018
- UCF17N16 June 4, 2018
- UCF17N17 July 1, 2018
UC Meeting for 2016-2017 Academic Year
- UCF16N1 September 25th, 2016
- UCF16N2 January 5th, 2017
- UCF16N3 January 21st, 2017
- UCF16N4 January 23rd, 2017
- UCF16N5 January 30th, 2017
- UCF16N6 February 9th, 2017
- UCF16N7 February 15th, 2017
- UCF16N8 February 22nd, 2017
- UCF16N9 March 9th, 2017
- UCF16N10 March 30th, 2017
- UCF16N11 April 20th, 2017
- UCF16N12 May 11th, 2017
- UCF16N13 May 15th, 2017
- UCF16N14 Monday-Tuesday, June 05 and 06, 2017
- UCF16N15 June 19th, 2017
- UCF16N16 June 22nd, 2017
- UCF16N17 June 17th, 2017
- UCF16N18 July 24th, 2017
UC Meeting for 2015-2016 Academic Year
- UCF15N1 September 2nd, 2015
- UCF15N2 September 21st, 2015
- UCF15N3 September 30th, 2015
- UCF15N4 October 15th, 2015
- UCF15N5 November 12th, 2015
- UCF15N6 November 26th, 2015
- UCF15N7 December 3rd, 2015
- UCF15N8 December 10th, 2015
- UCF15N9 January 2nd, 2015
- UCF15N10 January 14th, 2016
- UCF15N11 February 4th, 2016
- UCF15N12 February 15th, 2016
- UCF15N13 February 24th, 2016
- UCF15N14 February 29th, 2016
- UCF15N15 March 1st, 2016
- UCF15N16 March 9th, 2016
- UCF15N17 April 19th, 2016
- UCF15N18 May 3rd, 2016
- UCF15N19 May 31st, 2016
- UCF15N20 June 13th, 2016
- Irregular UC Meeting, June 23, 2016
- UCF15N21, July 2nd, 2016
UC Meeting for 2014-2015 Academic Year
- UCF15N1 September 3rd, 2014
- UCF15N2 September 10th, 2014
- UCF15N3 September 11th, 2014
- UCF15N4 September 14th, 2014
- UCF15N5 October 23rd, 2014
- UCF15N6 November 6th, 2014
- UCF15N7 November 20th, 2014
- UCF15N8 December 13th, 2014
- UCF15N9 December 24th, 2014
- UCF15N10 January 8th, 2015
- UCF15N11 January 25th, 2015
- UCF15N12 February 16th, 2015
- UCF15N13 March 12th, 2015
- UCF15N14 April 4th, 2015
- UCF15N15 April 30th, 2015
- UCF15N16 June 1st, 2015
- UCF15N17 July 1st, 2015
UC Meeting for 2013-2014 Academic Year
- UCF15N1 October 3rd, 2013
- UCF15N2 October 8th, 2013
- UCF15N3 October 22nd, 2013
- UCF15N4 November 11th, 2013
- UCF15N5 November 24th, 2013
- UCF15N6 December 4th, 2013
- UCF15N7 December 15th, 2013
- UCF15N8 January 5th, 2014
- UCF15N9 January 20th, 2014
- UCF15N10 January 26th, 2014
- UCF15N11 February 19th, 2014
- UCF15N12 February 26th, 2014
- UCF15N13 March 6th, 2014
- UCF15N14 March 26th, 2014
- UCF15N15 April 24th, 2014
- UCF15N16 May 5th, 2014
- UCF15N17 May 7th and 10th, 2014
- UCF15N18 June 3rd, 2014
- UCF15N19 June 23rd –July 1st, 2014
- UCF15N20 July 2nd, 2014
UC Meeting for 2012-2013 Academic Year
- UCF15N1 December 12th, 2012
- UCF15N2 December 20th, 2012
- UCF15N3 December 24th, 2012
- UCF15N4 January 3rd, 2013
- UCF15N5 January 8th, 2013
- UCF15N6 January 15th, 2013
- UCF15N7 January 21st, 2013
- UCF15N8 January 28th, 2013
- UCF15N9 January 15th, 2013
- UCF15N10 January 21st, 2013
- UCF15N11 January 28th, 2013
- UCF15N12 February 5th, 2013
- UCF15N13 February 12th, 2013
- UCF15N14 February 19th, 2013
- UCF15N15 March 5th, 2013
- UCF15N16 March 12th, 2013
- UCF15N17 March 26th, 2013
- UCF15N18 April 8th, 2013
- UCF15N19 May 4th, 2013
- UCF15N19 May 30th, 2013
- UCF15N20 July 28th, 2013