
Student Club

  • Music
  • Painting
  • Handcraft
  • Sport
  • Chess
  • Book& Reading
  • Hiking
  • Saving Environment
  • Volunteers
  • Photography

Upcoming Events

1-Chess Tournament 2022 .

2-Soccer Tournament 2022.

3- Table Tennis Tournament  2022

4- Book Exhibition

Student Club Regulations

The student club is a unit where students can enjoy their free time, show talents, and organize activities. Therefore, in the student club, we have some points that everyone should take into consideration: 

1- All categories of smoking are not allowed (cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, etc.).
2- Food is not permitted. You can drink, but make sure you do not leave your cups or bottles.
3-These sorts of games are not allowed, such as (Card games, Domino, Tawla, and Okey)
4- Do not move these tools (Tennis tables, chairs, Chess tables, and foosball) in their places.
5- Make sure to leave the rooms clean, and do not leave your (books, lab coat, bag etc.).
