sarkhell to Mohammad

Sarkhell Sirwan Mohammad

Director of CDC

Career Profile:

  • I’m currently a Director of Staff Development & CDC (Career Development Center) Directory at Komar University
  • I’m currently teach as TOT at Teaching Methodology Program at Sulaimani Polytechnic University ( teach Soft Skills, Leadership and Micro-Learning), I have 10 hours teaching out of 120 hours
  • I’m currently teach as TOT for British Council – UNESCO (TVET) for teachers in Iraq
  • I currently work as Task-Force member for UNESCO’s project, TVET (Technical Vocational Education & Training) (2015 – Present)
  • I’m a Co-Founder of the CDC (2015), established under IREX’s supervision, an American Organisation, the IREX supervise the CDCs in KRG till present, IREX is an International Research & Exchanges Board (Non-profit organization), funded by American Embassy – Iraq to implement CDCs in Iraq
  • lecturer of I.T and Academic Debate at Sulaimani Polytechnic University (2012 – 2016)
  • Co-Founder of Technical College of Informatics, Sulaimani (2013)
  • Voluntary work for the Aktors Company, an Estonian Company; to implement an E-Court System at Sulaimani Court (2014 – 2015)
  • Gained MSc in I.T (Information Technology) at Kingston University – London (2007)
  • I worked for nearly 6 years as assistant I.T manager at Imperial College – London (2001- 2007)


Employment History:

Date Position/ Employer Details
2015 – Present Director at CDC Career Development Centre) at  SPU (Sulaimani Polytechnic University) Duties at CDC:

·         Run Soft Skills workshop for students & Alumni

·         Job Fair for Companies

·         Build relationship with Companies

·         Run internship program

·         Run the CDC Website

·         Run CDC Social Media

·         Labour Market Survey

·         Organise workshop for students and alumni

2012 – 2016 Lecturer at SPU

Duties (Do Lecture):

  • I.T (Information Technology)
  • Academic Debates
  • Technical Language (English)
2013 – 2014 Head of The Registry Department &
Technical College of Informatics, college-of-informatics

·         Head of the Registry Department

  • Lecturer of Academic Debates Model
2001 – 2007 Assistant manager of I.T group/

Imperial College London,

The Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, Division – UK

Job Details:

  • Third line support
  • Ordering IT goods
  • Help desk manager
  • Networking & data back up
  • Work on different platforms (MS Windows, up to Vista & Mac)


Date Institution Qualification
2003-07 Kingston University – London


MSc in I.T (Modules were):

  • Software Fundamentals(C++)
  • Data Storage and Management
  • Structured Analysis & Design 1 & 2
  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Object Oriented Visual Programming
  • E-Commerce Technologies
  • Digital Imaging
  • Developing OO Solutions
  • Broadband & Mobile Networks
  • Usability Engineering

Dissertation; Asset & Stock System for KIR (Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology), presents the design & implementation of a web-based relational database management system (RDBMS) to handle asset & stock for Computing Department at KIR, (using ASP.NET 2.0, Visual Studio 2005 and SQL server 2005, the methodologies were RAD, DSDM and SSADM.



Kingston College – London

·         NHC Module in Java,

·         NHC Module in Networking

·         NHC Module in C++

1998-99 Migrant Training,

London – UK

City & Guilds in IT & Administration


Salahaddin University- Erbil / (KRG)

BSc in Chemistry


Latest Training Certificate:

  • 2016 – Present: participate in several workshop and meeting by UNESCO to implement TVET & Bologna Process in the KRG and Iraq
  • Jan 2016: Participate 12 days training course on how to implement Career Development Center, the training took place in the USA (Michigan State University, John Hopkins University, and at IREX head court Office in Washington)
  • May 2015 – Present: I gain 6 certificates by IREX about Career Development for success & participants the workshop & activities (
  • Sep 2015: Engaging Teachers to Engage Learners by The American University of Iraq – Sulaimani the American University
  • June 2014: Teaching Method (120 hours) at Sulaimani Polytechnic University
  • Sep 2012: International Football Coaching Certificate in Serbia




Will be available on your requests


Assistant Professor, Dr. Soran AB.M. Saeed
Position: Dean of Computer Science Institute, Sulaimani Polytechnic University (SPU)

Education: PhD. Computer Science, 2006, Greenwich University London, UK
Interest Research Area: (AI-CBR, Pattern Recognition), Distributed Computer Systems, IT Business, Requirements Analysis.

Work Address: SPU, Alley 76, Mardin 327, Wrme St, Qirga, Sulaimani Governorate, Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG)
