Dr.Kawis Aziz Faraj
Kawis Aziz Faraj Ph.D. in Bioscience and Biotechnology – University of Strathclyde- Glasgow- Scotland. Currently Vice President for Academic Affairs in Komar University of Science and Technology,Sulaymani-Iraq.Head Department of Nutrition- Cihan University-Erbil-Iraq. Professor at the Department of Chemistry, University of Salahaddin, Erbil, Iraq. Research Scientist at Agrotechnological Research Institute (ATO) in Wagningen, Netherlands. Member of the advisory committee of Innovation Oriented research Program (IOP) in Netherlands, Dutch program for Tissue Engineering, European Council of European (Soft tissue engineering for congenital birth defects in children) Project, Biomaterial and Tissue engineering society in Netherlands.I collaborate with numerous research teams in Austria, Switzerlands, Sweden and Germany. personally presented many topics at National and International Scientific Congresses, Symposia and Seminars in Europe. My area of interest is modern tissue engineering Tailor-made “smart” Biomatrices, Oriented and gradient dual layer scaffolds, fabrication of electrospun hybrid scaffolds from natural and synthetic polymer, knitted synthetic polymer.
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