A team of MOL Kalegran, a major international oil and gas company, presented a seminar, entitled “MOL Kalegran; Bright Past and Promising Future” to the faculty members and the students of PTE at KUST on April 1st. The presentation consisted …
The KUST students visit a photography exhibition on Kurdish media which is mixed up deep down in ourselves in this region without our control. “Politics and media alike and they manipulate our mind by their subject in a way that …
The Iraqi Young Leaders Exchange Program is pleased to announce this opportunity for talented and dedicated young leaders from Iraq to participate in a five-week, fully-funded intensive summer leadership program in the United States. Google Scholar Wikipedia …
Dr. Bilal started his lecture to the new students by introducing the teachers and staff of MLS. Then he discussed the history of the MLS and his future goals for the major which, so far, is the largest major at …
Drilling engineer Mr. Dlair Badi gave a seminar on oil industry in Kurdistan and his experience of working with many international companies in Iraq and Kurdistan, Students and PTE staff shared their comments and views of the drilling process with …
KUST started project to serve students under the name “Educational Awareness” First, the seminar started by vesting Zhin preparatory girls school. The projects started by introducing Komar university of science and technology and community service council by KUST student Rebar …
KUST conducted a seminar under the title “Politics of Culture Ministry and University Role” by minister of youth and culture KRG, Mr. Xalid abdulrahman on Sunday December 21, 2014. During the seminar Mr. Xalid talked about ministry of culture in …
On March 10, 2015 KUST held Student Council Election. Seventeen students elect themselves Student election started from 9:00 Am to 3:00 Pm. The aim of this Election is for students to select a one student from their department to represent …
On the 5th of March, KUST students commemorated at the Red Museum (Amna Suraka) a very important date in Kurdish history, the 1991 Raparen which is the great memory of Kurdish liberation. Students were guided by Red Museum director who …
On February 6th 2015, at the end of The CV program on Rudaw TV, first prize was awarded to Kardo Muhammad, a student at Komar University of Science and Technology (KUST).His major is a business E-commerce. He won because his …