The Quality Assurance Office conducted a training for two consecutive days (September 21st and 22nd, 2021) on how to design the course syllabus concerning international accreditation requirements. The training consisted of six training sessions. In addition, the participants presented two …
On Tuesday, 21st September 2021, an orientation program was held for the faculty members of KUST as a part of the preparation plan for the Fall 2021 semester. The program started with a welcoming message by Prof. Kawis Faraj ( Vice …
On August 26th ,2021 a delegation from Tehran University for Medical Sciences Visited Komar University of Science and Technology (KUST). At the beginning of the meeting Prof. Dr. Salahddin highlighted the history and foundation of the Komar university, the stages …
Komar University is invited as a supporting partner to International Conference on Education and Teaching (ICET 2021) which will be held between May 17th -18th, 2021. The aim of the Conference is to “Empower the education and classroom experience in …
A group of students from Komar University of Science and Technology had organized a charity project to help locals in need by collecting donations, such as clothes and goods. Their project took about 15 days. They collected different kinds of …
A delegation from Iraq Representative Council Headed by Dr. Meqdam Al Jumaily the head of higher education committee accompanied by Dr. Taha Hamad Amin the coordinator and Mr. Mariwan Nadr, member of the Education Committee of IRC visited Komar University …
A delegation from the Ministry of Higher Education MOHE: Headed by Assist. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Hussein Ahmed Director General- Head of Apparatus of Supervision and Quality Assurance in MOHE accompanied by Dr. Hawkar Rashid Arab Director of Quality Assurance and …
On Thursday, September 10th, 2020 Quality Assurance Office conducted a training session for the new faculty members at Komar University. Mr. Twana Tahir, Director of QA, has explained the Quality Assurance policy at KUST and the requirements from MHE. He …
On Thursday, 23rd January 2020, Komar University of Science and Technology held an orientation for the new faculty members. The orientation started with a welcoming speech by Prof.Dr. Kawis Aziz Faraj, Vice-President for Academic Affairs. The aim of the orientation …
As a part of the ongoing Educational System reform at Komar University, on Wednesday (February 27th 2019), Quality Assurance Office has conducted training session for the instructors from the Center of intensive English programs (CIEP). During the training, Mr. Twana A. …