September 29 th , 2022 a delegation from Hiwa Hospital visited Komar University of Science and Technology (KUST). The delegation was headed by Dr. Yad Naqshbandi, the manager of Hiwa Hospital, accompanied by Dr. Mohammad Abdulwahab. The delegation was received …
As part of Komar University’s traditions, every year the office of Quality Assurance arranges continuous training sessions for all faculty members at KUST. This year, on September 19th and 20th, Mr. Twana, the director of KUST’s Quality Assurance office conducted …
Komar University of Science and Technology, On the 06/06/2022, Dr. Naschmil Abdulla presented a seminar for “Kurdistan Save the Children” on mothers’ guidance on how to monitor infants in pregnancy and after birth for female participants in Bazian/Sulaimaniyah. The aim …
On May 9 2022, Komar University of Science and Technology received an Appreciation letter and a Certificate awarded for its Contribution to the 2nd International Conference on Education & Teaching in K-12 Schools (ICET) 2022.
Komar University of Science and Technology has signed a distinguished memorandum of scientific cooperation with the IFAD Academy of researchers and academics. This scientific event was organized on Wednesday (27/4/2022), as it was an outstanding scientific event that will increase …
Two of the faculty members from Komar University were invited as a presenter for a webinar held by the Iraqi Council of Accreditation for Engineering Education (ICAEE). Dr. Ahmed Gheni (Director of The International Relation at KUST) and Mr. Twana …
On Monday, September 19th, Quality Assurance Office arranged an orientation program for all faculty members of KUST ahead of the start of the 2022 fall semester. At the beginning of the program, professor Dr. Kawis Aziz, Vice President for Academic …
QA Office has conducted One week orientation and training session with all the departments inside Komar University. The aim for the sessions were to redesign all the course syllabus in a way that comply with the International Accreditation requirements. The …
On Saturday, December 18th, 2021, Mr. Twana Tahir, Director of the Quality Assurance department has participated in the panel (The Earth Cancer) at the Fifth International Film Festival in Sulaimani. He emphasized the impacts of climate change on Iraq and …
New day & new experience! – As a part of clinical practice for Pediatric nursing I, today we had an academic tour to Syrian refugees camp (Sulaimaniya-Arbat), and we got to know many wonderful, creative, and energetic children. We had …