On Thursday, Nov. 19th, 2015 at 1:00 pm, Dr. Salah Aziz, the President of KUST, presented a seminar titled “Time Management”, in KUST Showroom. Dr. Aziz illustrated the principles, practices, skills and tools of time management, aiming at helping individuals, …
On Monday, Nov. 16th, 2015, Prof. Abdulkareem Al-Kaabi presented a seminar titled “Storm-water Network Design –New Updates,” in KUST Showroom. Prof. Al-Kaabi is a visiting professor in Civil Engineering Department at Concordia University in Canada. He has published 42 research …
On Tuesday, Nov 10th, 2015, a seminar titled: “An Insight on Air Pollution: A Case Study” was presented by Ms. Mariam Y. Merry, in KUST showroom. Ms. Merry in her seminar provided an insight into the factors that contribute to …
On Thursday, Nov 5th, 2015, Dr. Hothefa Shaker presented a seminar titled ” Network simulation: A new routing protocol for mobile ad-hoc networks”. In his seminar, Dr. Shaker highlighted the importance of network simulation for wired and wireless network designs. …
As part of Komar Research Center activities, Dr. Omeid Rahmani presented a seminar titled “Mineral Carbonation of by-Product Red Gypsum for CO2 Sequestration”, on Nov. 2nd, at 1:30, in KUST Showroom. It is apparent that one of the key parameter …
A team from The United Nations Children’s Fund (unicef) visited KUST and met with the President, Dr. Salah Aziz. The team was consisted of Dr. Ikem Chiejie, Chief of Education, UNICEF-Iraq, Mr. Abdulkader Kakasur, Education Officer, Erbil, and Ms. Vian …
On 26/10 the fall 2015 seminar season of KUST kickstarted with a seminar by Dr. Alan M. Noory titled “Selling the “Don’t Have” to the “Can”t Buy”: Urban Sprawl in Kurdistan’s Business Environment, Post 2003. The seminar was presented in …
Dr. Salah Aziz presented a seminar with a title “Standardizing Course Logbook” to the faculty members of Komar University, at 5:00 pm, October 15, 2015. The goal of the seminar was to design a course logbook which Can be used …
A seminar was conducted by the Office of Public Affairs Director, Ms. Kner Abdullah under the title ”The Role of Media in University” to develop KUST members. The seminar gave enough information about media and the basic elements of Fact, …
KUST conducted its University Day 2015 successfully on March 28th, 2015. The Ceremony started with a speech by Dr. Salah welcoming the visitors and briefing about KUST’s progress since 2014. Dr. Yousef Mohammed, President of the Kurdistan Parliament, Dr. Wali …