On April 26th,2017 HR organized a seminar on Management, it was conducted by (Professor Kawa Mohammad ) the objective of the seminar was to help KUST employee to understand the style of Management in the work Environment . HR is currently facilitating …
HR organized seminar on communication skills. The 2-hours Seminar was conducted by Trainer (Ms. Talar Mumtaz Noore) who has Master in HR and she’s the founder of CEO WWB . The objective of the Seminar was to provide KUST community …
The workshop on “Statistical Analysis with R”, held on Sunday and Monday, April 16-17th, was led by Dr. Zmnako Awrahman, Director of Komar Research Center. The workshop introduced the participants with the R and RStudio software and how to perform …
Dr. Salah Aziz, President of Komar University of Science and Technology, attended the International Conference organized by the Koya University about the Kurdish Scholar and Philosopher Mr. Masoud Mohammad (1919-2002) on April 1, 2017. In eight panels, researchers submitted papers …
On Wednesday 29th of March, Mr. Ranjdar Saeed (KUST Coordinator for IP- Internship Program) arranged a workshop for eligible students in internship program at Komar University of Science and Technology. During the workshop, the program was categorically offered to those …
A seminar was conducted by Dr. Govand Anwar, entitled “The relationship between employees’ commitment and sustained productivity: A case study of feed planet in Kurdistan” on March 28th, 2017. President, vice president, faculty members and administrators have participated in this …
On Wednesday, March 15, 2017, Komar Research Center held a seminar on the fake and predatory journals and publishers that are targeting the researchers based in Kurdistan-Iraq universities. Dr Khalid Omer from University of Sulaimani was our guest speaker. Predatory …
On Monday, March 13, 2017, Komar Research Center with the cooperation of Petroleum Engineering Department (PTE) of Komar University of Science and Technology and SPE Erbil Chapter has hosted a workshop on “Well Control” for faculties and students of the …
On Monday, March 6th 2017, Program Coordinator of DAAD [ Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst / German Academic Exchange Service information center / Iraq] Ms. Jwan Khalis with her team have visited Komar University of Science and Technology and presented a seminar on …
A team from Kurdistan Technical Institute/Sulaymani visited Komar University of Science and Technology on March 5, 2017. The team was headed by Dr. Harith R. Hasan the Dean of the Institute. The team was welcomed by the President, Dr. Salah …