On Wednesday, November 22nd,2017, KUST has held Faculty Representative Election. The aim of this Election Day is to select a faculty member to be a representative of KUST faculty members and at the same time to be a member in …
An initiative was taken by Business Department students Mr. Nsar Mohammed and Mr. Pavel Taha to raise fund as well as other necessary things for the displaced families of Kirkuk. We request all KUST family members to contribute and support …
A team of our excellent students of the Petroleum Engineering, Business Administration, and Environmental Engineering departments participated in the Student Innovation Competition on Sustainable Energy 2017, with the project entitled Converting Energy of Flaring Gas to Electricity in the Resource Conservation category. The …
From Fall 2015 until August 17th, 2017, eleven distinguish members of Sulaymaniah Province served Komar University of Science and Technology (KUST) as members of Board of Trustees (BOT). They were businessmen, academics, educators, former ministers and members of parliament. They …
فێرخوازانى ئازیز… وهرزى وهرگرتن بۆ ساڵى 2017-2018 له زانكۆى كۆمار دهستیپێكرد. بۆ خۆتماركردن و پێشكهشكردنى فۆڕمى وهرگرتن ئهم لینكهى خوارهوه پڕبكهرهوه. كردنهوه فۆڕم The Admission is now opened for 2017-2018. For registration and submission click the following link. Open the …
Komar University of Science and Technology, on August 12, Saturday, 2017, welcomed students onto its campus. Students from Rania district came to familiarize themselves with KUST campus and its vision and mission. Presentations were conducted by Mr. Doste Jamal and …
On Thursday, 10th of August 2017, the level four and five CIEP students, opened the 45 cafe in the English Corner. The day was full of different activities which involved the students acquiring the English language. The activities included Karaoke, …
Komar University’s HR office conducted a training session on Plan Making, trained by the director of Accounting Office, Mr. Hemin Salih. It took place on KUST campus on the 3rd of August, Thursday, 2017. The session invited KUST staff members …
In cooperation with Kurdistan Youth Board, Komar University celebrated the International Day of Friendship at KUST campus on July 30th. The event began at 5:30 PM and featured plenty of entertainment. Multiple news outlets covered the event. Guests of all …
Komar Research Center hosted Dr. Yassen Ahmed from the University of Sulaimani to present a seminar on membrane filtration at Komar University of Science and Technology on Wednesday, May 31st, 2017. The seminar started by introducing the speaker to the …