Komar University of Science and Technology would like to warmly welcome Prof. Robert Amin to his community as adjunct professor. Prof Robert Amin is a recognised world leader in the field of oil and natural gas processing and has 15 …
Today 5th March 2019, Komar University of Science and Technology has commemorated the occasion of Iraqi Kurdistan glorious uprising of 1991 against the despotic Ba’ath regime. The acting President of the University, Asst. Prof. Dr. Zanyar Faiq Saeed, congratulated the Kurdish …
Komar University of Science and Technology warmly welcomed students onto its campus on March 4, 2019. More than hundred students from Qaradagh district came to familiarize themselves with KUST campus and its vision and mission. Mr. Balen Najmalddin, Public Affairs …
Komar University of Science and Technology welcomed students onto its campus on February 28, 2019. About hundred students from Kalar district came to familiarize themselves with KUST campus and its vision and mission. Mr. Balen Najmalddin, Public Affairs Assistant and …
Two faculty members of the Pharmacy Department, namely Prof Dr Hamid Ghafouri and Dr Dorababu Neerugatti, presented two seminars about Drug Preparation and Treatment Processes on Thursday, Feb 28th. In his speech, entitled Effects of α –L – Fucose as Dose …
On February 25th, 2019 KUST’s men basketball team participated at the annual basketball tournament of KRG universities in Zakho and got the third place.The tournament took five days. The team got coached by Ms. Arezou K. Vaske as the only …
As a part of the ongoing Educational System reform at Komar University, on Wednesday (February 27th 2019), Quality Assurance Office has conducted training session for the instructors from the Center of intensive English programs (CIEP). During the training, Mr. Twana A. …
The CIEP staff have embarked on a new professional development programme whereby the key goal is to keep up to date with the International modern learning techniques and apply them within the context of its environment. On the13th and 20th …
On Monday, Feb 25th, a workshop entitled “Steps to Succeed in the IELTS” was conducted by Mr Ghareeb Salih, faculty member of the Department of Translation at the University of Sulaimani, for the full time faculty members and the staffs. …
On February 25th 2019, department of dentistry held a symposium on “Oral Health Problems”. The first session was presented by Dr. Sana Salahaddin. She mainly focused on the common oral and dental problems. She addressed that to maintain dental health, proper treatment and …