
Goal 11

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable 

Komar University Celebrates Innovation: Showcasing Student Projects and Nurturing Future Leaders in Technology and Programming

On Tuesday, April 16, 2024, Komar University of Science and Technology hosted a dynamic event titled Computer Science and Computer Engineering Project Day. This event provided a platform for students to showcase their innovative projects encompassing software and hardware. During …

Komar University of Science and Technology Hosts 5th International Conference on Buildings, Construction, and Environmental Engineering

On November 21st and 22nd, 2023 the 5th International Conference on Buildings, Construction, and Environmental Engineering was successfully held at Komar University of Science and Technology, a partnership with the University of Technology, Iraq and the University of Jordan. This …

Engineering Students Participated in Design Projects

Engineering students participated in Engineering Course’s introduction design projects to fulfill their tasks by conducting the variety of projects in order to get the realistic glimpse of design and application. The activity was based on manual works by students themselves, …

KUST Students Cleaning Campaign

In the aim of keeping the environment clean, KUST students had a cleaning campaign in Salim Street with the help of Slemani Municipality, were they started cleaning the walls by removing the posters that were pasted for the Kurdistan Parliament …
