
Goal 1

End poverty in all its forms everywhere 

Ramadan and the pharmacists: a charity initiative by KUST students

During the holly month of Ramadan, the department of pharmacy at Komar University of Science and Technology planned and implemented the non-profit charity project “Ramadan and the Pharmacists”. The project was supervised by Dr Naschmil Abdulla and six pharmacy students …

A group of students from KUST had organized a charity project

A group of students from Komar University of Science and Technology had organized a charity project to help locals in need by collecting donations, such as clothes and goods. Their project took about 15 days. They collected different kinds of …

Fund Raising by Business Department Students for the displaced families of Kirkuk

An initiative was taken by Business Department students Mr. Nsar Mohammed and Mr. Pavel Taha to raise fund as well as other necessary things for the displaced families of Kirkuk. We request all KUST family members to contribute and support …

Charity Relief Campaign

On Sunday, December 18th, The Medical Laboratory Science Department of Komar University of Science and Technology announces a campaign to be a relief to the refugees at Arbat Refugee Camp for their suffering from various crises. All the KUST staffs, …

Students Activity On World’s Children Day

KUST’s students visited children’s orphanage accompanied by some of the teachers and staff members, to participate in the festival of (World’s Children Day). (Ahmed Hama Yonis) the students’ representative gave a short speech on this event. Students presented gifts to …
