Appreciating Faculty’s Achievement: Dr. Heshu Sulaiman
Dr. Heshu Sulaiman, chairperson of Medical Laboratory Science, was awarded for 2015-16 research productivity. On the evening of February 9, 2017 with the presence of faculty and staff members, Dr. Salah Aziz stated: Dr. Heshu published 6 papers, two of them were with a total Impact Factor 5.198. The two papers’ with the impact factor were:
· Green Synthesis, Characterization and Anticancer Activity of Hyaluronan-Zinc Oxide Nanocomposite (2016). Onco Targets and Therapy, 9: 4549–4559.
· Natural products against cancer angiogenesis (2016). Tumor Biology, Doi: 10.1007/s13277-016-5364-8.
Dr. Heshu research productivity advanced the reputation of the Komar University of Science and Technology at the Regional and International Levels. Based on that President issued her a Thank you Letter and paying 1,500,000 ID as awards.