A Seminar on Gas-Water Relative Permeability
On June 8th, 2016, a seminar titled “Experimental investigation of gas-water relative permeability at high temperature and pressure” was presented in Komar University by Dr. Hiwa, a faculty member of the university.
Dr Hiwa in his presentation indicated that the attempt to accurately generate gas-water relative permeability at high temperature and pressure is of great importance to help design, optimize, and analyze gas-displacement process. In his research work two measured relative permeability curves for gas-water system have been compared, at ambient and reservoir condition.
The Presenter showed that at ambient condition residual gas saturation is considerably high if compared to that at reservoir condition, because at high temperature water is in vapor phase thus gas-water can flow simultaneously to the produced well.
Also he observed mineral erosion and permeability alteration in the tested core plugs. The reason of this permeability alteration, as per the explanation, was due to the presence of CO2 in the flowing gas phase.
Lastly Dr. Hiwa was awarded with certificate of appreciation by Dr. Shaho Saeed.