English Department holds panel discussion
On March 13, 2023 the department of English Language at Komar University of Science and Technology held a panel discussion titled “Revisiting Literature through Language”. In the event, Dr. Zanyar Kareem, from Charmo University, Ms. Tazhan Kamal, from Sulaimani University, and Mr. Kochar Ali Saeed, from Komar University of Science and Technology, participated as panelists. Dr. Zanyar presented a topic covering the importance of literature in relation to language where he discussed the different opportunities that literature can offer to readers. Following his talk, Ms. Tazhan discussed the importance of literature courses in the departments of English in Kurdistan and Iraq. Mr. Kochar’s presentation covered using literature in teaching language. The panel was a merger of different perspectives on the relation of language and literature and ended with questions and discussions from the audience.