MoU between KUST and KUMS
After an official visit of a delegation from Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences to Komar University of Science and Technology during the month of May 2019, it was agreed to sign a memorandum of understanding between the two universities in the fields of exchanging experiences and joint work in carrying out joint research and holding joint conferences in addition to providing an opportunity for mutual scientific visits Among students and professors, especially in the medical fields. . On Sunday 2nd February 2020 , through the representative of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Dr. Habib Ahmadi, the original signed signature of the Memorandum of Understanding between the two universities was received by Professor Dr. Salahalddin Saeed, President of the University. The President of the University stressed the need to develop the relationship between the two universities and expressed his happiness for signing this agreement and wished that this paper would be translated into the reality of real work