Komar University held its 3rd Commencement Ceremony
On Saturday November 2nd 2019, Komar University of Science and Technology held its Third Commencement Ceremony. The ceremony started by welcoming all the honorable and distinguished guests KUST owners, BOT members and from different public and private Universities, representative of Sulaimani governorate, family and friends of the graduates.
Honorable Mr. President, Prof. Dr. Salahlddin Saeed stated that the graduates have achieved a remarkable step of their academic life which is really significant and worth celebrating, a bachelor degree. Besides that, he stated that some of our graduates have already established their own business whilst others are employed by multinational and local private sectors. Then the name of the Three top University students was announced; namely:
- Pawan Nahro Saeed (Business Administration)
- Najmadeen Abdullah Ahmed (Medical Laboratory Science)
- Khulia Dara Mohammed (Medical Laboratory Science)
As the Class of 2019 valedictorian , Ms. Pawan Nahro gave her speech about her experience in KUST She was grateful for what she has learnt and for making the decision to choose Komar University.
Upon the request from the chairpersons of the departments, KUST President proudly conferred the bachelor degrees the 183 graduates.
The ceremony ended by taking departmental photos of the graduates and making a life time memory with proud family and friends.
The ceremony was organized by the Commencement Committee that was headed by Ms. Sazan Ahmad with the members Mr. Aree Ali, Mr. Bamo Nadir, Mr. Bryar Ismail and Ms. Shania Khabat and prepared by the tireless staff members and volunteer students .