The President of Komar Univeristy Participates in a Panel
On March 13th, in Sulaimani Governance council, The President of Komar University, Dr. Salah Aziz participated as a panelist in a panel with the attendance of many governmental, political, academic figures and some members of Sulaimani governance council.
The Panel was mostly focused on three main sections; first: the crises in Kurdistan region, its causes and solutions. Second: calling for Kurdistan independence. Third: Calling for referendum.
Regarding the crises, Dr. Salah Aziz reminded all the guests” Ruling Kurdistan from 1992 until 2016 means ruling the region for 24 years, so the rules are responsible for the achievement and crises”, also he stated” the recent financial crises are the outcomes of poor administration and financial corruption” .These are real deceases and if they were existing in a healthy economy it would destroy it, therefore; no wonder it produced the present crisis. He added. Meanwhile he addressed that the external causes like; ISIS and the fall of oil price, were not the real cause of the recent crisis, but they only speed it up.
Related to the call for Kurdistan Independence,
In advance, Dr. Salah Aziz said” Kurdistan has the right and should have declared independence long time ago, however; the political system in Kurdistan is not prepared for that task”. For preparing Kurdistan region for that great goal, “The political system must change by setting the priorities and focus on happiness of citizens and development of Kurdistan, if we reached those aims, then the political parties should ask themselves, is an independent Kurdistan will be the best arrangement to increase services to its citizens” he stated.
Dr. Salah aziz concluded his speech with his thought towards conducting a referendum, he stated “Referendum is a tool not an objective, if our political parties and our government stabilized the region economically and politically, then they can decide on it.”
Lastly the Panel ended with the questions from the guests and detailed answers from the panelists.
The panel was arranged by Lobby organization in aim of forming an advisory Board in Sulaimanyah governance council with some political, academic and other successful people in different sectors.