Language Teaching and Culture: An Unbreakable Bond
A seminar titled “Language, Teaching and Culture: An Unbreakable Bond” was presented by Mr. Brwa Omer on Thursday Dec 10th, 2015. Mr. Brwa Omer is a faculty member at Komar Institute.
In an interesting seminar, Mr. Omer revealed the effect of culture on language development in any society and brought this quote “I went to iron play” means I went to the gym” as an example of using language. He also explained one might think, speaking a second language is solely about grammatical rules. However, to be a fluent speaker of the second language one needs to be aware of the cultural rules/norms of the spoken language in that community.
Another issue Mr. Omer indicated in his seminar was the incorporation of mother tongue norms into the second language. Therefore, even those who are linguistically competent have to be judicious in order to avoid communication breakdown.