Training on Educational System Reform at Komar University
On January 20th 2019 and the days after, Office of Quality Assurance and Accreditation at Komar University held the Training program for all the faculty members and the chairmen. The aim of the training was to enhance the quality of education and introducing mechanisms for better fulfillment of the program learning outcomes. The presenters were “Mr. Twana A. Tahir; Director of Quality Assurance Office and Dr. Hamid Zadeh; Director of Komar Research Center” .The following topics was covered:
1. Changing the trend of education from Teaching to Learning process at the University level.
2. Taking lessons from other successful nations in reforming pedagogy (Finland as example)
3. Mechanisms for fulfilling the program learning outcomes via designing accurate Course learning outcomes with respect to the international criteria.
4. The impact of implementing PBL, CBL, and Flipped Classroom, Hybrid and Blended teaching methods, Drama-based, Phenomenal-Based teaching, so on.
5. Introducing New ICT in teaching such as using Zoom and Padlet to facilitate teaching methods.
The faculty members were actively engaged into the training sessions via having different types of practices such as doing SWOT analysis for the current education system at the University and their departmental levels. Furthermore, the possibility for applying student-centered approach by higher percentage in the new semester (Spring 2019) to each course compare to the previous semesters were discussed. At the end, the conclusion of the training was drafted and steps for gradual changes were finalized according to the current need educational reform at the University level. This Training program will be a part of the road map of Komar University towards enhancing the education system to reach the higher international standard in education.