
Welcome to Komar University of Science and Technology Library. We are here to serve our students, faculty and staff. We are serving programs of learning and research in many areas, also we provide a multitude of resources, both print based and electronic books, as well as to offer full information about our current services. Feedback from our staff, faculty and students always is respected. If you have questions visit Contact us page for a variety of options concerning how to reach us.

The Komar University Science and Technology Library plays a key role in the academic team charged with delivering the teaching and learning, by providing services that are efficient, flexible and able to respond promptly and effectively to the needs of students and staff/faculty member of the University. The policy describes the general principles on which the Library acquires, manages and distribute the information resources and provides a framework for more detailed policies at the university level. This document is intended to clarify the policy for the benefit of library, academic and other staff, students and other users at KUST.

To provide facilities with sufficient space for study and use of information resources in an atmosphere which is conducive to study and research.


KUST library establish with university departments to establish in effective processes that will brighter the future of the university. So the library enhances services and creates an environment that broadens the readers (students, Faculty and staff) through easier access and new technology by balancing library usage to maintain the best quality of learning and knowledge development.


The KUST library is committed to effectively contributing to accelerating the processes of learning, teaching, and research by collaboratively providing the require resources in different fields of science.
In order to fulfill our mission the library commits to:
  • participating in enhancing students, abilities and skills.
  • helping students in spending their free time productively.
  • providing the require books in a timely manner .
  • encouraging students  desire to read, by providing them with updated textbooks, publications and other resources.
  • organizing book fairs and seminars.
  • working towards providing  electronic library in the foreseeable future.

Library Policy

1.      Introduction

The Komar University Science and Technology Library plays a key role in the academic team charged with delivering the teaching and learning, by providing services that are efficient, flexible and able to respond promptly and effectively to the needs of students and staff/faculty member of the University. The policy describes the general principles on which the Library acquires, manages and distribute the information resources and provides a framework for more detailed policies at the university level. This document is intended to clarify the policy for the benefit of library, academic and other staff, students and other users at KUST.

2.      Objectives

The objectives of the Library Policy are as follows:

(a)    To provide facilities with sufficient space for study and use of information resources in an atmosphere which is conducive to study and research.

(b)   To provide and organized and readily accessible collection of information resources.

3.      Scope

This policy should be applied in Library Collection Development and Library Use and Information Services. It covers on core processes and non-core processes within library operations.

4.      Terms and Definitions

The following terms are used in this Policy with the meanings specified:

Conservation – means the various measures taken for the protection, preservation and necessary repair of library material.

Library materials and equipment – means any form of printed, graphic, audio, electronic (PCs and Laptops) or other media, on or in which information is written, recorded, stored, displayed or produced. It includes books, periodicals bound and unbound, pamphlets, microfiche, microfilm, slides, films, film strips, audio tapes, video tapes, photographs, index, cards, manuscripts, prints, audio-visual equipment, computer equipment and software, typewriters, calculators, Online Resources and any other materials, equipment or resources that is/are owned by, licensed to or in the possession or under the care, custody or control of, the Library or (if for a purpose of the Library) by, to or of the University.

Librarian – means the person from time to time appointed as University Librarian.

5.      Policy statement and explanations

The policy statement of the library is to support for the curricula and research needs of colleges and students at KUST. It helps student and faculty members to achieve success for lifelong learning by providing and organized and readily accessible of information resources. The policy includes the process and procedure of the collection development and information services.

6.      Collection Development

Suggestion for books and other materials to be added to the library’s collection are welcomed. Faculty members recommending materials in their subject fields should submit request directly to the library committee through chairperson or admin. After considering Faculty input, the library committee submits their order for the next process of purchasing materials. The details of the process and procedure for the collection development can be viewed from the chairperson or academic committee.

Computer policy

The KUST Library makes Internet resources accessible to all students. The Staff of the KUST Library helps students navigate identify and access resources on the Internet. The staff reviews and recommends good sources of information on the Internet in order to assist students. When a computer session   ends, all information about that session is normally deleted. The Library does not, as part of its regular practice, retrieve any information, including websites visited, or any other information a student has entered. At the end of the work day, all computer use and reservation records are regularly erased.

Students’ Responsibility

In order to ensure a positive library experience for everyone, the library requires that all students will:

a)      Use computers only for educational purposes.

b)      Refrain from viewing pornographic visual material or content that by contemporary community standards would be considered obscene.

c)       Observe the established computer time limits.

d)      Respect the security of the network.

e)      Respect the configuration of computer equipment at the Library. Downloading or installing nonstandard software.

f)       Programs installation is prohibited.

Library system

Our library obeys (the Open Shelves) System, which is known as open systems due to the absence of any sensor which may restrict the users work (i.e.) the shelves are always open to student and researchers.


  • Book loans

  • Loans renewing

  • Computer and internet access

  • Logbook repository

Behavior in the Library

The role of the KUST Library is to provide a comfortable and welcoming environment to all users. Mutual respect makes it possible for everyone to enjoy Library materials and services. We ask Library users to be respectful of   each other and behave in a manner that does not disrupt other library users or interfere with normal operation of the library.

Examples of disruptive behaviors include but are not limited to:

a)      Physical or other harassment.

b)      Using profane, obscene or abusive language, including racial, ethnic or other epithets.

c)       Creating unreasonable noise and engaging in boisterous activity.

d)      Using audible devices without headphones or using headphones set at a volume that disturbs others.

e)      Using any communication devices in a manner that disturbs others.

f)       Failure to comply with a reasonable staff request or failure to leave the Library during emergencies and at closing time


 Instructions for library user

a)      Students should return the books to the librarian or leave them on the reading tables after use.

b)      Tearing off   pages, the books marking in pencil or ink is a serious offense.

c)       After reading, newspapers should be folded properly and kept in the designated place.

d)      Students are not allowed to take cuttings from newspapers. One can photocopy the articles that are required.

e)      The borrower will be responsible for any damage or loss caused to the Library.

f)       Smoking in the Library and KUST building is strictly prohibited.

1. Borrowing

a)      To borrow provide your KUST ID, and present the martial you wish to borrow to the staff desk.

b)      The user is only allowed to borrow by using his/her own ID, not other students or instructors.

c)       Some references are restricted to in-library use only such as (dictionaries, theses, magazines and research).

d)      Users are responsible for any damage to the borrowed resource.

e)      In case of a lost borrowed reference by the borrower, the user should obtain a replacement of the resource of the same edition (year of edition, and publication edition) Otherwise, folded fines amounting the book price must be paid.

The limitation (maximum) of borrowing as follow:

i.   Students: 3 books and  2 DVDs, loan period 1 week.

ii.  Staff: 3 books and  3 DVDs, loan period 1 month.

iii. Faculty: 6-9 books and 6 DVDs, loan period 4 months.

iv. Text books and references are loaned for one day only.

2. Renewal

a)      KUST users are entitled to renew the item on loan. However, any overdue   book will impact the student’s accessibility to other resources in the future.

b)      Most items are allowed 2 renewals. The length of the renewal is the same as the original check out period.

c)       You can renew by email or phone, Renewals are not allowed if accumulated fines are over 10$, or if the maximum number (2) of renewals are used up.

3. Returning materials

Library material may be returned to Librarian at the circulation desk only.

4. Overdue item and Fines

We apply certain fees that encourage appropriate use of our materials so that once returned, the items may be borrowed by others without delay.

• The library charges 2$ per day, per overdue item.

• If your fines are over 10$, you will not be allowed to borrow more items until you have paid.

• Pay your overdue fines at the staff desk. The library staff will give you a recipe for your payment.

• Unpaid fees and fines will be reported to the KUST finance department. Thus this will prevent a student from registering for classes from graduating until the fine is paid for.
